The Board of Trustees has a regular meeting schedule of the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 PM.
Meeting notices are posted at the Public Library on the bulletin board, at the Town Hall on their notice board, and on the Library's online calendar. Recordings of meetings can be found on the Town's Cable channel 17 or on
Hampstead Cable Channel On-Demand.
If anyone would like to attend a meeting but the time is a deterrent, please reach out to the Director, Kate Thomas
Library Trustees are elected for a term of 3 years.
Natalie Gallo, Chair- Term to 2026
nagallo @
Bob O'Brien- Term to 2027
bobontv @
Ronnie Shelley- Term to 2025
vershelley @
Al Cipriano, Treasurer- Term to 2027
mrcid1 @
Theresa McTammany- Term to 2025
tmctammany @
Alternate Members:
Donna Capern
Previous 6 months of meeting minutes and director reports:
Meeting Minutes for Board of Trustees
Past minutes are available at the library.
2023-2025 Hampstead Public Library Strategic Plan PDF file can be found here.
History of the Hampstead Public Library Trustees
Henry Ordway, George R. Bennette, J.C. Eastman, William A. Emerson, Samuel Morse 1888 | 1888 |
George R. Bennette | 1890-1897/1902-1904 |
William A. Emerson | 1915-1920 |
Andrew M. Moulton | 1889 |
John S. Carson | 1889-1932 |
Francis H. Sawyer | 1889 |
Moses C. Morse | 1890 |
Isaac Randall | 1891 |
Daniel N. Hoyt | 1892-1895 /1911 |
Daniel Emerson | 1896-1911 |
Rufus P. Gardiner | 1898-1901 |
George A. Hoyt | 1905-1910 |
Albion D. Emerson | 1912-1914 /1933-1939 |
Lucius L. Darbee | 1914-1931 |
Joseph M. Toit | 1932-1937 |
Harriette W. Ingraham | 1939-1942 |
Arthur A. Hathaway | 1942 |
S. Evelyn Taylor | 1942-1944 / 1946-1947 |
Grace Shaw Johnson | 1942 |
Madeline Collette | 1944-1952 |
Bertha Whiteneck | 1944-1945 |
Helen Swift | 1945-1946 |
Agnes Covell | 1947-1953 |
Pearl Darling | 1948-1952 |
Viola Johnston | 1953-1954 |
Marion Wright | 1954-1958 |
Ann D. Bolton | 953-1955 |
Pearl Cornwell | 1956-1967 |
Lincoln K. Drake | 1956 |
Rev. Theodore B. Hadley | 1957-1962 |
Esther Orcutt | 1959-1966 |
Marjorie Kirkness | 1963-1967 |
Elaine Brough | 1967-1972 |
Calvin Scovel, Jr. | 1968-1973 |
Loretta Cummings | 1972-1973 |
Mildred F. Emerson | 1973-1975 |
Florence Malsbenden | 1975-1977 |
Mary E. Clark | 1974-1979 |
Beth Duston | 1976-1981 |
Louis Griffith | 1978-1980 |
David Lanning | 1980-1984 |
Warren Cooke | 1981-1982/1988 |
Catherine Robbins | 1982-1985 |
Wendell McIntire | 1983 |
Adele Trested | 1984 |
Pamela Hartung | 1985-2003 |
Warren Trested | 1985-1987 |
Lincoln Palmer | 1987 |
Joseph Hannigan, Jr | 1988-1992 |
Jay Burns | 1989-2005 |
Margot Clemente | 1993-2008 |
Pamela Hartung | 1998-2003 |
Robert Kuhl | 2005-2013 |
Emily Reschburger | 2003-2018 |
Diane Kelly | 2008-2011 |
Judi Crowley | 2010-2011 |
Paul Schofield | 2010-2011 |
Aileen Wall | 2012-2014 |
John Skidmore | 2012-2013 |
Gwen Glick | 2013-2016 |
Alfred Cipriano | 2015-2018, 2021-Present |
Natalie Gallo | 2015-Present |
Robert O'Brien | 2018, 2024-Present |
Charlene Flaherty | 2018-2024 |
Veronica Shelley | 2019-Present |
Kristina Durocher | 2021-2024 |
Theresa McTammany | 2024-Present |