Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees has a regular meeting schedule of the third Tuesday of each month at  1:30 PM.

Meeting notices are posted at the Public Library on the bulletin board, at the Town Hall on their notice board, and on the Library's online calendar. Recordings of meetings can be found on the Town's Cable channel 17 or on 
Hampstead Cable Channel On-Demand.
If anyone would like to attend a meeting but the time is a deterrent, please reach out to the Director, Kate Thomas

Library Trustees are elected for a term of 3 years.

Natalie Gallo, Chair- Term to 2026

nagallo @


Bob O'Brien- Term to 2027

bobontv @


Ronnie Shelley- Term to 2025

vershelley @


Al Cipriano, Treasurer- Term to 2027

mrcid1 @


Theresa McTammany- Term to 2025

 tmctammany @


Alternate Members:

Donna Capern


Previous 6 months of meeting minutes and director reports:

Meeting Minutes for Board of Trustees

Past minutes are available at the library.


2023-2025 Hampstead Public Library Strategic Plan PDF file can be found here.


History of the Hampstead Public Library Trustees

Henry Ordway, George R. Bennette, J.C. Eastman, William A. Emerson, Samuel Morse 1888 1888
George R. Bennette 1890-1897/1902-1904
William A. Emerson 1915-1920
Andrew M. Moulton  1889
John S. Carson 1889-1932
Francis H. Sawyer 1889
Moses C. Morse    1890
Isaac Randall 1891
Daniel N. Hoyt 1892-1895 /1911
Daniel Emerson 1896-1911
Rufus P. Gardiner 1898-1901
George A. Hoyt 1905-1910
Albion D. Emerson 1912-1914 /1933-1939
Lucius L.  Darbee 1914-1931
Joseph M. Toit 1932-1937
Harriette W. Ingraham 1939-1942
Arthur A. Hathaway 1942
S. Evelyn Taylor 1942-1944 / 1946-1947
Grace Shaw Johnson 1942
Madeline Collette 1944-1952
Bertha Whiteneck 1944-1945
Helen Swift 1945-1946
Agnes Covell 1947-1953
Pearl Darling 1948-1952
Viola Johnston 1953-1954
Marion Wright 1954-1958
Ann D. Bolton 953-1955
Pearl Cornwell 1956-1967
Lincoln K. Drake 1956
Rev. Theodore B. Hadley 1957-1962
Esther Orcutt 1959-1966
Marjorie Kirkness 1963-1967
Elaine Brough 1967-1972
Calvin Scovel, Jr. 1968-1973
Loretta Cummings 1972-1973
Mildred F. Emerson 1973-1975
Florence Malsbenden 1975-1977
Mary E. Clark 1974-1979
Beth Duston 1976-1981
Louis Griffith 1978-1980
David Lanning 1980-1984
Warren Cooke 1981-1982/1988
Catherine Robbins 1982-1985
Wendell McIntire 1983
Adele Trested 1984
Pamela Hartung 1985-2003
Warren Trested 1985-1987
Lincoln Palmer 1987
Joseph Hannigan, Jr 1988-1992
Jay Burns 1989-2005
Margot Clemente 1993-2008
Pamela Hartung 1998-2003
Robert Kuhl 2005-2013
Emily Reschburger 2003-2018
Diane Kelly 2008-2011
Judi Crowley 2010-2011
Paul Schofield 2010-2011
Aileen Wall 2012-2014
John Skidmore 2012-2013
Gwen Glick 2013-2016
Alfred Cipriano 2015-2018, 2021-Present
Natalie Gallo 2015-Present
Robert O'Brien 2018, 2024-Present
Charlene Flaherty 2018-2024
Veronica Shelley 2019-Present
Kristina Durocher 2021-2024
Theresa McTammany 2024-Present